Family Law Resources

Please know the Homer M. Stark Law Library has not created any of these forms and are not liable for the use of any forms obtained from these sites. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
Gwinnett Family Law Clinic
The Gwinnett Family Law Clinic is associated with the Atlanta Legal Aid Society and has great resources relating to family law. Please look at their website, as well as all of their resources and forms.
Gwinnett County Courts
The Gwinnett County Courts website contains information regarding looking up your case, downloadable forms and many other great resources pertaining to family law.
Child Support Calculator
The Georgia Child Support Calculator has been developed and made available by the Georgia Commission on Child Support as the official calculator for Georgia’s Child Support Guidelines statute found at O.C.G.A. §19-6-15.
Gwinnett Bar Association
The Gwinnett Bar Association website is a great place to find a practicing attorney in Gwinnett County
Eighth Judicial District Forms
This site has a list of downloadable forms from the Eighth Administrative District of Georgia.
Criminal Law Resources

Please know the Homer M. Stark Law Library has not created any of these forms and are not liable for the use of any forms obtained from these sites. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
Gwinnett Courts – State Court
If you have a case in Gwinnett County State Court this link may provide some help regarding information and forms available.
Gwinnett Courts – Superior Court
If you have a case in Gwinnett County Superior Court this link may provide some help regarding information and forms available.
Council of State Court Judges
This is a link to forms available on the Council of State Court Judges website. This site contains multiple downloadable forms that may help with criminal cases in State Court.
Criminal History Record Restrictions
O.C.G.A. §35-3-37 provides for the restriction of certain criminal history records for non-criminal justice purposes when approved by the prosecuting attorney.
Basics of Criminal Law – Legal Aid
These are resources and information pertaining to criminal law that is published by Georgia Legal Aid.
Real Estate / Property Law

Please know the Homer M. Stark Law Library has not created any of these forms and are not liable for the use of any forms obtained from these sites. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
Georgia Landlord-Tenant Handbook
The Landlord-Tenant Handbook is designed to provide an overview and answer common questions about Georgia residential landlord-tenant law. While this publication can be helpful to both landlords and tenants, it should not be a substitute for professional legal advice.
Gwinnett Courts – Magistrate Court
This link provides forms and information regarding what types of cases that the Gwinnett County Magistrate Court hears. Great resource for foreclosure, eviction, landlord/tenant, and other civil claims of $15,000 or less.
Council Of Magistrate Court Judges
Magistrate Court is often called the people’s court because it helps regular citizens represent themselves, without an attorney, in cases against other people. Using the Magistrate Court is quicker, more affordable, and more efficient in cases involving $15,000 or less. Click the link to see what forms are resources are available from the Georgia Magistrate Council.
Georgia Legal Aid – Renters & Owners’s mission is to help low-income people navigate the complexities of the court system at the most vulnerable times in their lives through self-help resources when they don’t have access to a lawyer. This link provides great resources for both renters and homeowners.
Project Reset 2.0
The County will use more than $28.1 million in stimulus funds from the federal Emergency Rental Assistance Program to make payments directly to landlords and utility providers for renters’ past-due balances. Apply here.
Magistrate Court Forms Generator
This program is provided free by the Council of Magistrate Court Judges for the public to use and print forms. The program guides the user by questions and providing background information and definitions
Immigration and Citizenship

Please know the Homer M. Stark Law Library has not created any of these forms and are not liable for the use of any forms obtained from these sites. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides free immigration services and educational guides for Work Permits, DACA, Citizenship and Marriage Green Cards. offers FAQ’s, sample forms, and information about courts, lawyers, and organizations that provide services related to immigration and immigrant rights.